Friday, December 7, 2012

The Path To Cheap Motorcycle Insurance

Finding cheap motorcycle insurance has never been easier. You can now easily shop online and compare quotes from several leading providers without ever having to leave the comfort of your home or office. But, regardless of how easy it is to get quotes, the same factors still apply in terms of how much insurance companies are going to charge you. What kind of driving record do you have, where do you live, how much driving will you be doing, any prior claims history, are all factors that will be considered.

The type of motorcycle you are insuring is also important for getting cheap motorcycle insurance. High-performance bikes tend to attract higher premiums because they tend to be involved in more accidents. I know, it's not the bike's fault, it's the drivers fault, but high-performance bikes tend to attract a certain kind of driver that tends to be involved in a higher number of accidents and more serious accidents resulting in higher claims. So, if you haven't yet bought your bike you should take insurance costs into consideration when evaluating the cost of owning that particular bike you are looking at. Get some quotes ahead of time.

Other factors might include the safety equipment on your bike like alarm systems, locking front forks, etc... If you don't already have these find out from the insurance companies how much you might save if you installed them.

Likewise, consider taking a safe driving course if you have not already done so. You can usually get cheap motorcycle insurance rates if you can provide evidence of having successfully completed a recognized safety course. So much so that it might even repay the cost over a few short years and also make you a better rider.

Bottom line, you can get cheap motorcycle insurance as long as you pay attention to a few simple rules and do your comparison shopping for the best quotes.

Static Caravan Insurance - Compare Quotes   Caravan Insurance Options   The Rise Of Motorcycle Insurance Rates   The Importance Of Static Caravan Insurance   How to Search For Motorbike Insurance Policies Online   Why Is Caravan Insurance Important?   

How Stocks Work

When a company wishes to raise money in order to invest in something it believes will profit the company, it can opt to do it in a number of ways; the most favoured being to sell a part of the company or to borrow money. When money is borrowed, it is usually done by bond issuance with a promise to pay up with interest.

A company can sell a part of itself in the form of stocks. This essentially means that a part of the company has been sold and the company has to split profits when they are there. Stocks are also known as equity because the people who buy the stock have equity or own a part of the company.

During the formation or incorporation of a company, a certain amount of stock is usually set up. At this stage, the stock is usually not worth anything because it is still in its infancy stage.

When it comes to the time that the company wants to raise money, they have to find people who are willing to invest in the company so that they can sell the stock to one person at a time.

When someone owns a share of the stock, it means that they own at least a certain fraction of the company. This gives them the privilege to enjoy a certain amount of profits that the company makes.

As the company grows, it may need to raise even larger amounts of money. The amount may range from a couple of thousands of dollars to several hundred million. This means that more stock will be offered to the market.

This is the part where everything becomes interesting. An initial public offer (IPO) will be made at a price that is pre-determined; for example it could be $10 per share. People who have an interest in the stock market usually peruse the wall street journal looking for IPOs.

Once a person buys the stock, they can turn around and sell it to someone else who is willing to buy it. In summary, the stocks have now turned from being just owned by a few investors to being held by several other investors. These other investors can then easily sell them openly through the stock exchange.

Once the stock has traded hands for a few times, those that are interested in buying the stock are the ones that will determine the value of the stock. For example, if the IPO was $10 then it could drop to even $1 at any time. Alternatively, the price could double or even triple.

The person who buys the stocks may be a hundred times removed from the person who had originally bought the stock but they still own a fraction of the company. Believe it or not, companies somehow keep track of their stock holders.

The value of stock may be determined by a variety of factors such as the internet. The internet, especially social media sites may either drive the price up or cause it to drop like a stone.

When it comes to stock, the only thing that it can be compared to is buying baseball cards. So long as they are being sold in the open market, they are only worth as much as someone is wiling to pay for them.

Warren Buffett Books   The Stock Market: Tips to Stay on Top   Are Buying Penny Stocks Online Worth The Risk?   Managing Employer Stock Positions   What Is a Bond's Yield to Call?   Ever Thought of Being a Trader?   

Practice Trading Is Important In The Penny Stock Market

Practice trading is important in any market, but it can be especially important with penny stocks. Too many people want to jump into this market because of the possibility for high returns, but they underestimate the risk, or the other costs of trading these stocks. Practicing with paper trading may be able to save you a lot of money and heartache. You can determine whether you are ready for this market, and if so you can start refining your skills without the risk of heavy losses.

Penny Stocks Aren't Cheap

The names, penny or micro stocks, can be deceptive. Some people think this is a cheaper or easier way to get into the stock trading game because the price per share is low. Many also think this implies less risk. Unfortunately this isn't the case though. While the price per share is much lower in this market, these stocks are bought and sold in high volume.

The other thing that can make them costly is the quick and frequent change in price; of course this is also what makes them appealing to some. It isn't unheard of for these stocks to gain or lose 50 percent of their value in a day. When this happens you either double your investment or lose half of it. Sure, doubling your investment sounds great, but can you stand to lose half of the value of your investment? When penny stocks drop they can also be more difficult to get rid of, so you may be stuck with them as they are falling in price. In this scenario you may lose well over half of your investment.

How Practice Trading Can Help

Almost no one is good at something when they first do it. The same goes for trading stocks, only if you're not good at this you can lose a lot of money. If you practice paper trading you can refine your strategy and work the kinks out before you start trading with real money. You may also decide this isn't for you and move onto something else. It's a lot better to decide this after practicing instead of after you have lost a bundle.

Keep in mind practice trading will only help if you take it seriously. If you cheat or if you don't record everything while practicing, you may not get the same results when you start making real trades.

Practicing will help you get a feel for this market and help you refine your skills so you can have greater success with your real trades. It can also help you look at all of the details, costs and fees involved in this market. It's better to know ahead of time than to find out later.

Warren Buffett Books   The Stock Market: Tips to Stay on Top   Are Buying Penny Stocks Online Worth The Risk?   Managing Employer Stock Positions   What Is a Bond's Yield to Call?   

Full Coverage Dental Insurance: Is This What You Need?

Most of us would forget that dental and oral health is part of our overall well-being. Neglecting them would definitely have a huge impact on our health. Full coverage dental insurance is something a person could take advantage of, in order to care for their dental health.

Contrary to what most people believed, full coverage does not mean it would cover ALL the dental needs or services of the plan holder. Not all dental work, services and treatments are covered by this insurance. It is more expensive though, compared with other plans but it is likely that different dental services would be included. It would depend on the dental provider, so make sure to be fully aware of what is fully and partially covered by the dental insurance.

Since the full insurance is different in terms of coverage for each insurance company, it is important to investigate first before making a dental coverage purchase. Look for an insurance company that would cover the dental services you need and would probably undergo in the future.

What are covered by a full insurance coverage?

1. Preventive care. Check-ups and even fluoride application could be covered. 2. Basic dental needs or care. This could include dental cleanings, filling, capping and other procedures. Two cleaning sessions are usually covered every year. 3. Diagnostics. X-rays could also be covered under the plan.

The coverage for major dental services like root canal, crown or oral surgery would depend on the dental policy.

I could not reiterate enough, how important it is to learn what services are covered by the plan you are purchasing. The intention of getting dental plan or insurance is to safeguard you financially, in case of a dental emergency or need of dental treatment. You do not want to pay an expensive premium only to find out that the treatment you need is not even covered, even partially.

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage   Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   

Health Insurance - What Does a Good Dental Insurance Plan Contain?

If you are looking to buy dental insurance plan, you should shop savvy. Here are a few criteria that you should look into for getting a good dental insurance plan.

Network of dentists

A high-quality dental plan offers entrance into a peer of dental professionals around your locale or the country. To illustrate, the dental plan should let you to visit a dentist's office the most viable rates as well as the finest of service. It'll also assist you when you've gone to a vacation anywhere within the country and need dental aid all of a sudden. The finest of the plans are linked with 200,000 dentists and dental specialists. Thus, even though you are in Poughkeepsie, NY, you'll have no problem capping a tooth.

Significant discounts

If you're tied to higher monthly fees on a dental plan and merely receiving between 10% and 15% in your savings, it's time you considered whether it's worth it, at all. A plan meant for a normal dental patient is supposed to cover services such as fillings, root canals, cleanings, X-rays. It should consistently get you 40% - 65% in your monthly savings.

No deductible

Moreover, a perfect plan comes with little or no deductible. That means, once the year starts, you're covered for virtually all types of general work you've done. Then again, some plans come with $100 deductibles, but get you to spend exactly that much when you're at a dental clinic before the savings actually kick in. So avoid settling for this kind of policies. There are plans which won't ask for annual deductibles. Try and find those!

Added bonuses

Beneficial membership fees usually are the sign of a winning dental savings policy. Bonuses could come in different forms. An example could be getting entrée into the United Networks of America Prescription Drug Card or an alliances with veteran ophthalmologists (who are the eye doctors) to realize much more savings. Likewise, no lowest or highest amount that mandatory have to be spent on dentists yearly (that means, you can easily go for 2 cleanings each year or pay visits to the dentist every month).

Surf the net to compare and find the best and cheapest dental plan of America!

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage   Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   Dental Insurance Is There To Keep Your Teeth Healthy   Why You Should Think About Individual Dental Coverage   

Your Guide To a Dental Coverage Plan

There seems to be a lot of companies who are offering dental coverage plans. How do you identify which one would be best or suitable for you?

Price or dental plan cost is not the only thing that should determine what you choose. Of course, you need to get a dental plan which suits your budget. But there are also other factors to consider when choosing your dental plan.

The first thing you consider when searching for a dental plan is if it is a part of the employee benefits your employer is offering. If it is, then take advantage of it. Group dental plans are more affordable compared with individual dental coverage. So check with the human resources department of your company if they are still offering dental insurance.

If your employer is no longer offering it, or if you are self-employed then you start looking for insurance companies. The internet is a great way to look for dental insurance companies, you could also check the insurance companies' customer ratings and feedback and even investigate on their financial stability.

Once you have determined or identified insurance companies who are offering coverage that you need, you could consider about the dental care provider next. Most dental insurance have a specific network of providers that you choose from. If you want to stick with your own dentists, then check PPO plans and dental discount plans. You may even want to ask your dentist if they are part of any provider network, so you get your plans from them and ensure that you will be working with the same dentist.

The key to getting the best dental coverage would be the extent of the coverage and would it be able to meet your needs. There are a lot of plans to choose from. It could be overwhelming sometimes, but always keep in mind that the dental plan you need should always meant to provide for you and your family's needs.

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage   Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   Dental Insurance Is There To Keep Your Teeth Healthy   Why You Should Think About Individual Dental Coverage   

Dental Insurance - Discount Plans for Individuals, Group and Family Dental

Going to the dentist can be a real pain because it can get expensive fast. You need to secure low cost dental insurance so that going will be less painful on your pocket book. There are some options available to you when it comes to getting dental coverage.

You need to make sure that you keep your teeth healthy and making those regular visits can be the only way to accomplish this. There are multiple reasons going to the dentist gets put back on the not to do very soon list and one is the cost involved. It can get expensive when you need to have cavities filled or worse a root canal.

Getting coverage will help to reduce the cost associated with going to the dentist, You will find that making regular visits will help you avoid having some major issues with your teeth. The longer you put off going the worse it will be in the future for your teeth.

You may be lucky and your place of work may offer some type of insurance coverage that is not very expensive. If they do then take advantage of it and if there is a cheap family plan you may want to consider that as well. Being part of a larger group plan can be a great way to get insurance that is not too expensive.

Remember that when looking for a dental insurance plan you need to get a plan that fits into your budget each month. It can get real expensive going to the dentist often but when you have dental insurance it can make the expense not so bad.

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage   Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   

How Do You Decide Between a Discount Dental Plan Or a Dental Insurance Policy?

Are you going to the dentist on a regular basis? Most people put off going to the dentist because of the high out of pocket cost associated with a dental visit. There are several options that may help you lower your expense when you go to the dentist.

You may want to take a look at a dental insurance policy or a discount dental plan to cut down on your out of pocket dental expenses. This article can help point you in the right direction to choose the best plan for you or your family.

A dental insurance policy is issued by an insurance company that sells this type of policy. The main feature is it has a deductible like your car insurance policy. You must meet this out of pocket expense before the insurance company will pay your claim.

While dental insurance policies are sometimes issued to individuals and families they are normally provided through employers on a group basis. If you don't have this coverage through your employer you should go to the internet and see what is available to you on an individual or a family insurance plan.

A downside to a dental policy offered by an insurance company is that it can be expensive when purchasing it outside of an employer. Another thing to consider is this type of policy will have an annual maximum dollar limit. If you have several expensive dental visits during the year your out of pocket cost could go up substantially especially when you consider you have to pay a deductible also.

A discount dental plan is an alternative that is very different than a dental insurance policy although this plan is offered by some insurance companies. This plan negotiates discounts on the services offered by the group of dentists that participate in the plan. These discounts are then passed on to the plan members.

Instead of a deductible a dental discount plan offers a generous discount that the dentist has agreed to accept before your visit. Typically the more expensive the procedure the larger your discount will be. The advantage of this method is that you will know the cost of your visit beforehand.

Since there no claim forms to process by the insurance company or discount dental provider the cost of the plan is considerably less than a dental insurance policy. In today's economic climate that is a big plus for individuals and families participating in this type of plan.

Choosing between a dental insurance policy and a discount dental plan may seem like a difficult choice. This process can be very simple for you. Just find a source where you can compare the different plans. Be sure to review the benefits, the dentist offices in your area and the cost of the plan to make sure it will fit in your budget.

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage   Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   Dental Insurance Is There To Keep Your Teeth Healthy   Why You Should Think About Individual Dental Coverage   

Compare Dental Insurance Quotes to Find the Best Deal for You

Insurance, in broad principle, is good. A targeted insurance plan is even better.

Medical insurance in all its forms is a worthwhile investment today against the greed of the medical profession. Dentists are the ones against whose demands we must increasingly - and rapidly - arm ourselves.

Strangely, a lot of people are not aware of the benefits that dental insurance plans provide, and even more amazingly is the fact that an alarming proportion of the populace is not even aware that such plans exist. It's an anomaly, considering the number of people who suffer chronic dental health issues.

While the majority of dental issues will be covered as stated in the policy, it pays to read the small print and see just how well you are covered. Occasionally, you will find certain procedures excluded - but research a little further and you'll find what you want.

Having a dental insurance cover plan offers a number of advantages.

Firstly, it keeps you within your budget; for example, a sudden and serious dental operation doesn't cause you to blow the weekly budget.

Secondly, and it stands to reason, your securing your own dental coverage means you cut back the price of the dental procedure. Find out the right company and policy, and it's not hard to get 100 percent refunds on your claims. Policies and procedures differ, which means that you should pay close attention to what's offered for what sort of a premium.

Here there arises an interesting issue. Dental insurance requires a health check. This means x-rays and blood tests, so that the insurer can establish if you are an existing risk. So, if for example the insurer finds that you have an existing condition such as an abscessed tooth, you will automatically incur an exclusion or stipulation, in your policy on account of a "pre-existing" condition. Expect a premium loading.

The bottom line - or, if you prefer, the jaw line - is that dental cover is costly, but essential. This is for reasons beyond the obvious. Tooth problems arise not only among the elderly; many a child or teenager has a need for correctional measures, and a dental plan can be the answer. Don't rely on the public health system; you'll still be waiting this side of next Easter.

When it comes to the crunch, dental health insurance is the way to go, and it's imperative that you compare dental insurance quotes and shop for the best deal you can find; good investment always pays good dividends.

Recommendation For An Individual Dental Coverage   Access Dental Plan   Is PPO Dental Insurance For You?   Top 10 Reasons to Join a Dental Health Insurance Plan   

Once Upon a Lawful Time

Once upon a time, if you saw a couple of lads trying to steal your car, a shout from you, "Hey, what is going on here," would have sent the lads scurrying away as fast as they could. Not wanting to be recognised or to be caught. You would have saved your car and driven off the thieves.

But that as they say now, was once upon a time.

I believe that today's "lads", or a more proper description of them as mindless vandals, have no fear of recognition, being caught, or seeing the irate owner of the car, shouting or threatening them. It will not hold up or interfere with the particular theft in hand.

Thing have changed now, they operate with probably four or more of them together, they are armed with at least a knife, and anybody who has the audacity to interfere in the completion of their crime, well that is simple, beat him to the ground, kick him as much as you can, and almost mandatory stamp on the head, and maybe stab him for good measure.

At this time the crime they were committing may be abandoned, as they now have something more to brag about.

With all the C.C.T.V. coverage we now have in this country, it is almost inevitable that this gang will be found somewhere on the streets close by. They will be seen, and the public response usually will bring them to court. I say bring them to court, and not bring them to justice. Those two statements are so very far apart.

How much is a person's life worth? The variation in interpretation of the crime between the courts, is so far apart. And why do we have this wonderful word "Manslaughter," if a person dies trying to defend his property, he would not have died, had the vandals not been there, so in my book they have killed him, and causing or taking another persons life, to me is murder. So whether the person died accidentally during a confrontation, or by a deliberate act, surely once again the argument should be, that if they were not there the person would still be alive and well. They have murdered.

Even if a person falls down the stairs and dies as the result of a broken neck, trying to get away from the vandals, and they have not touched this person. Then once again the death was being caused by their presence and the fear they generated. They caused the death. If they were not there then it would not have happened.

The courts dish out sentences of a number of years, calling it life, and then saying that they must serve at least five ten or fifteen years. Life? Then have the audacity to let them serve only half of that sentence. A vandal of eighteen or twenty, may be out of prison in just five years, and at twenty-five to thirty years old, has his whole life to get on with, and maybe more crimes to commit, while the bereaved family of the victim, carry on with a true life sentence with the loss of a loved one.

But whatever you do, do not kill a burglar or vandal.

You will be arrested and thrown in the cells, your name published for all to see, and a big debate whether you are a murderer or a victim defending yourself.

A target for other lawless vandals to get revenge for killing one of theirs.

Years ago, children were executed for stealing a loaf of bread to stop them from starving. We would not wish that for today's children, breaking the law then, had serious consequences.

But that was once upon a time.

Judicial Council Forms Hold Clues To California Procedural Questions   Legal Rights Advice: 10 Areas of Fun Regarding Legal Help   3 Things a New Process Server Must Do to Be Successful   How To Record A Lien   How to Fight a Credit Card Lawsuit: Request to Admit Facts Collection Lawsuit   

HIPAA Rules, What Every American Should Know

In 1996, the United States passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which changed the way that healthcare workers and providers are allowed to handle record retrieval and the sharing of personal healthcare information. Despite the passing of this act, most Americans do not know enough about HIPAA rules to know how to keep themselves safe from violations and breaches in privacy. Knowing the basics could be crucial to keeping your personal information or the information of a loved one safe and confidential.

To properly understand HIPAA rules, it is important to discuss how the act came about in the first place. The origins of this act can be traced all the way back to 1975, when a new system of electronic data sharing and record retrieval became commonplace in the healthcare world. With the continued advancement in technology, it became more apparent that regulations on the transfer and sharing of this information needed to be regulated. The rise of email and the Internet made this need for privacy even more crucial, and so HIPAA was born to protect individuals and families from their medical records being spread all over the place and shared with individuals who simply did not have any business seeing them.

So what should you know about HIPAA rules? Here are the basics:

A person's medical record retrieval by individuals outside of the medical profession can only happen if there is a court order signed by a judge, a subpoena with proper proof of need, or a Qualified Protective Order used for litigation purposes. Every single American is entitled to the privacy that HIPAA provides. Whether an individual is a baby, healthy, sick, or even deceased, his or her medical records are to remain protected under this act. A healthcare provider or servicer cannot look at any medical history or information from your doctor unless you choose to share this information. An example of this is buying medical equipment. Generally, in the case of medical supply retailers, the staff members of these stores need the client's medical history to approve him or her for the products that he or she is seeking, especially if the client wants these products to be paid for by insurance. These retailers must have written consent for record retrieval and the sharing of these records with an insurance company or the staff within the company, before they can proceed with processing any claim.

HIPAA rules were created to protect the citizens of the United States from their information being spread all over the Internet via unsecure transfer of information and record retrieval. This act was created so that with the rise of technology, companies and healthcare providers are required to keep your personal records safe and secure, and it gives the American rights as to who sees and knows what regarding his or her personal medical history. Knowing your basic rights in relation to HIPAA is important so you know how to recognize if your privacy has been breached or you or a loved one have been taken advantage of.

Judicial Council Forms Hold Clues To California Procedural Questions   Legal Rights Advice: 10 Areas of Fun Regarding Legal Help   3 Things a New Process Server Must Do to Be Successful   How To Record A Lien   How to Fight a Credit Card Lawsuit: Request to Admit Facts Collection Lawsuit   Responding to a Collection Agency's Interrogatories Correctly   

What Do I Do If I Am Deposed

A deposition is a method of discovery in a civil lawsuit in Florida by which a party can obtain information by asking questions directly to a deponent. They are generally transcribed on paper by a court reporter, but can also be videotaped. They are like a simple Q and A session, but can sometimes be a critical junction in a lawsuit and can significantly impact a party's litigation strategy.

In Florida, most depositions occur during the discovery phase of a lawsuit. The discovery phase normally begins after the pleadings or documents framing the suit are filed with the Court, but before the final resolution of the matter.

Procedurally, the participants coordinate the time, date, and location for the deposition and provide written notice to the deponent. If the party being deposed is not a party to the lawsuit, then the notice is in the form of a subpoena and is served by a process server, unless waived. Failure to appear or participate at a deposition can result in sanctions from the Court unless there is a proper basis to do so.

If you are a represented party in a lawsuit, your attorney will discuss the particulars of the deposition, who may and who will be present, and what you can expect. Your attorney will also tell you whether you should review any documents before the deposition and if you should bring any materials to the deposition. The most important advice your attorney will give you is always tell the truth. When you begin the deposition, you will take an oath to tell the truth. Not only is it illegal to intentionally violate that oath, but it will destroy your credibility and jeopardize your claims if you don't tell the truth.

Some other important general Dos and Don'ts in preparing for and participating in a deposition are:

1. Do always tell the truth

2. Do dress appropriately, especially if the deposition will be videotaped (you'll know in advance)

3. Do listen to the question and carefully consider your answer - it's OK to take your time in responding

4. Do be sure to answer verbally - nods of the head don't translate into writing

5. Do inform the attorney questioning you if you don't understand the question and ask that person to rephrase their question

6. Do fully review any document provided before answering a question about it

7. Do inform your attorney if you need to take a break or if you are uncomfortable or unsure of anything

8. Don't volunteer information particularly when no question has been asked

9. Don't divulge what you and your attorney have discussed unless your agree in advance with your attorney to do so

10. Don't guess - it is acceptable to answer with "I don't know" if you really don't

11. Don't try to answer questions about a document without seeing it - if it is not provided, ask to see a copy if you need to

12. Don't accept the statements, representations, "facts", or opinions of the attorney questioning you unless you know that they are absolutely and unquestionably accurate

13. Don't try to outsmart the other lawyer or play lawyer

Judicial Council Forms Hold Clues To California Procedural Questions   Legal Rights Advice: 10 Areas of Fun Regarding Legal Help   3 Things a New Process Server Must Do to Be Successful   How To Record A Lien   How to Fight a Credit Card Lawsuit: Request to Admit Facts Collection Lawsuit   

Are Civil Bench Warrants Worth Getting?

I am not a lawyer, I am a judgment referral expert (Judgment Broker). This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. Nothing in any of my articles should ever be considered legal advice. If you ever need legal advice or a strategy to use, you should contact a lawyer.

One of the age-old tools in judgment enforcement are judgment debtor (and third parties that possess or know about the debtor's assets) exams at the court. A related tool is document production requests. What happens if a properly-served debtor does not show up at the court hearing?

If you ask and pay the court, they will issue or request a bench warrant (sometimes named a Warrant Of Body Attachment). You must pay the court or sheriff, to get the warrant issued and made active.

What happens next depends on what state and county your debtor resides at. In some places in the US, the debtor will be picked up and becomes a mandatory guest at a court or sheriff office, sometimes held overnight, and told they better show up at the next hearing, and if they fail to show up again, they must spend ten days in jail.

In most places in the US, the average result is much less impressive. Where I live, in Santa Clara County, the odds are less than 1 in 100 the debtor will get picked up at all. Often, only the most down and out debtors, the kind that gets arrested often, are picked up on civil bench warrants.

Keep in mind that when a debtor does not show up in court after being properly served, they have disobeyed the court, not the creditor, so this is a contempt of court issue.

If your debtor seems poor and down and out, perhaps it is best to stop spending time and money on them, until you find assets you can might be able to recover, maybe years later. If your debtor is poor, what good will a bench warrant do?

Even if you want bad luck to happen to your debtor, you are far better off not trying to get them fired, or involving law enforcement/regulatory bodies, etc, because it creates more expense or work for you, and may reduce their income, which means they may have less assets to pay you with.

Especially if your debtor is well-known; for example, a professional, a lawyer, a doctor, or anyone with a good job or business, you might get some results with a polite letter. Remember to send the "Full Miranda" on your first written communications with debtors.

The letter (for a debtor who is doing well) might say something close to "You believe they are acting unethically, and are displaying conduct which is at variance with their reputation and standing at their business, job, organization, church, law firm, etc". Also, you could "suggest they ought to comply with the court order to appear at their debtor examination, etc."

The less you write, the better. Sometime the debtor will fill in the words that should be missing in your letter. Never threaten anything, even something that is totally legal. I have gotten a payment from a debtor after mailing them a blank sheet of paper. Their mind filled in all the missing words that were needed to help them see the light.

What if you want to get the debtor picked up and detained, even if (depending on your state) there is only a slim chance of that happening? Then, you would pay the court and/or the sheriff for a bench warrant (warrant of body attachment). Usually this is done with a letter of instruction and the required fee, payable to the sheriff where "pickup service" for the judgment debtor is requested.

The court issues a warrant of body attachment and forwards it, along with the letter of instruction and fees, directly to a sheriff for service. Sometimes the court asks you to supply some identifying information, e.g., height, weight, color of eyes, hair, etc.

The bench warrant is directed to the local county sheriff. In California, the sheriff will only accept a warrant of body attachment if it comes from a California court or sheriff.

In California, a civil bench warrant is not a "real" arrest warrant and debtors rarely get arrested. The warrant is a piece of paper the sheriff charges you (e.g.) $50.00 to serve on the debtor, who is not usually arrested. There is a small chance that notice of that, might get the debtor's attention, and get them to pay, because anything can happen.

There are usually two types of warrants of body attachment described by California's CCPs 708.130, 708.170, and 1209-1202 laws. Unlike criminal warrants that are entered into all police and sheriff's computers; civil warrants are sent only to one local sheriffs department, which is responsible (although usually not sufficiently staffed) to serve the warrant on the judgment debtor.

In California, the laws do not allow the sheriffs to collect any civil bail money. (In some California counties, the sheriff's do collect bail and lock up debtors, however the laws of California do not support this.)

Not knowing all the laws of California is a reason why some California sheriff's pick up debtors, and some debtors are intimidated by bench warrants. It is a shame that in California, the laws make civil bench warrants mostly toothless.

While some judgment debtors with a civil bench warrant against them are picked up, you cannot count on it. If the judgment and the debtor assets are big, getting civil bench warrants might later help to persuade a judge to appoint a receiver.

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Read About the Advantages of Investing In Gold

We always hear about the increase in price of commodities. And we know that it is better to invest in something which will increase its value. Therefore it is logical to think that it is better to invest in gold. Let us look into some of the features regarding your investment in gold. The first thing to think about is about the form of gold in which you are planning to invest. One of the best ways to invest in gold is to buy gold coins. The supply of metals like gold and silver has reduced over the last decade and this has resulted in the increase in price of this metal.

Normally, when the price of a commodity rises, its demand should fall. But this is not what we are witnessing in the case of gold and other precious metals. The main reason for this phenomenon is that most of the people will buy gold as a form of investment in the anticipation that it will increase its price in future. In some of the foreign countries like India, people turn gold into jewelry; this will also further increase the value of gold.

Two of the main advantages of investing in gold are that its value doesn't depend on the economy of a country and its price will always be on the rise. These are two of the main facts you should look forward to see in an investment commodity. The price of gold is almost same throughout the world. It rises and falls based on the demand and supply. As long as people buy gold, the price will always be rising. If you are investing in land or other business within your country, its value can depreciate within your place. Moreover it may not be possible to sell your assets in another country.

Such is not the case with gold. Whatever be the state of economy in a country is, the price of gold is depended on the world market. An added advantage is that, gold can be used as an alterative form of currency. When all other forms of currency are having fluctuating values, gold seems to have a steady increasing pattern of increase in value. This increase in price can easily be determined by analyzing the factors affecting the price of gold. If you are looking for investing in gold, then it would be better to do it in coins or bars rather than in jewelry. Jewelry tends to be 10% to 20% more expensive to acquire than coins and the resale value is same as that of the coins.

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Gold Bullions - An Investment Option

Gold is one of the most popular investment vehicles of all times, with many first time users investing in gold bullions worldwide. This precious metal can act as a hedge against economic, political or social crises and still hold its own. The ebb or flow of the investment market would not adversely affect its intrinsic value. Neither can inflation, economic downturn, war or social unrest make it less appreciated. No one can deny that like all other markets, the gold market is also subject to some form of speculation. However, the price of this precious metal does not change with a change in the prices of other commodities; it tends to act more like a currency than a commodity. It is used as reserves by the largest banks of the world and plays an invaluable role in stabilizing the economies of most countries today.

No wonder, first time gold investors are growing by the day. Recent reports suggest that upper income professionals in the age group of 40 to 65 years are investing in gold bullions. In 2011, investors from Gen X and Gen Y have also shown what might be considered a surprising interest in this precious commodity viz. a viz. other long term investment options such as real estate, stocks, bonds and savings accounts.

Gold bullion is gold in its purest form, valued by quality and weight. It is not like gold jewelry, where factors such as aesthetics play a part in defining value. When someone pays for bullion, the person is paying for just the market value of gold plus some small percentage costs incurred in refining, fabricating and shipping the same.

Bullion coins are smaller than bars and are produced by different entities including the United States and the Canadian governments. The American Eagle Gold Bullion Coins and the Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Bullion coins are some of the options that first time investors in gold can look into as the bullion coins are easier to liquidate than bars.

Where to buy gold bullion?

There are some reputable online bullion brokers for precious metal that provides the personnel, resources, capital and product required for different levels of bullion investing. They have bullion trading desks in different countries that monitor the metal market conditions giving them insights into how the market performs. This helps them in providing clients with the latest information so as to maximize profits and minimize risks when trading in precious metals bullion. The clients could be first time investors, coin dealers, investment brokers and financial institutions.

These brokers also help the gold investment market by providing liquidity for precious metals. Clients can approach them to efficiently transform bullion into currency or currency into bullion.

What are the factors one should keep in mind while buying gold bullions online?

Gold has a fluctuating base price, called the spot price. While buying gold, an investor would need to look into two things; purity of gold and the price over the spot price. The actual printing of the gold coins can add to the price over the spot price.

When buying gold bullions, you will want to make sure that the gold is 99.99% pure. You must ascertain the purity of the gold you are buying from the gold dealer or broker. Also, it is better to buy gold bars instead of coins; this way, you would be getting more gold for your money.

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